Tuesday, July 3, 2012

My new dress form!

A few weeks ago I bought a dress form. I had been holding off because I really wanted a vintage Wolf form. They're high quality, and I wanted something a little worn since I sell vintage clothing. But they're hard to find, expensive, and even more expensive when you calculate in shipping price. But finally, I found one at a very reasonable price being sold by someone in Philadelphia (only a couple hours away), so my husband and I went to pick it up ourselves. Here's a picture:

I adore my dress form--I don't see how I managed without it. Previously, taking pictures for my shop was frustrating. Clothing doesn't look as good hung against a wall (at least at my house where I rely solely on natural light), and my husband was working so much it was difficult to get him to take photos of me (up to this point I was modeling the clothing in my shop). Now I can pull out my clothes, my dress form, and photograph away.

Here are pics of an item pre- and post-dress form.


The dress form pic is much brighter and cleaner and gives a better sense of the shape of the dress. I've been photographing like a mad woman this week. Now to list all the items I've been photographing...

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